Realtor's Job

Guest post from: Bruno Smith

Being part of a realtor’s guild has helped me weather this terrible time in the market. There’s not exactly a ton of need for people like me but it’s nice to know my colleagues have my back and can still help me with everything from buying houses to selling them to my clients. I used to work with a lot of developers but my clientele has changed a lot to young familiesin the last few years but that’s okay with me. I want to always make sure I’m flexible and able to bend with the changes in the industry and that’s what I’m doing now, you know? I try to be up on all things that would pertain to buying a new house like lawn care and New york home security and whether or not the fixtures convey and I think my clients, what few there are, appreciate that. I want to be the person they can come to when they have any questions at all and that’s what I’m working on!

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